Friday, September 15, 2023

Boolean Algebra

Boolean algebra is the branch of algebra in which the values of the variables are the truth values true and false. Mathematician George Boole Invented a new kind of algebra- the algebra of logic in the year 1854 popularly known as Boo

lean Algebra or Switching Algebra. Boolean algebra can be used to simplify the design of logic circuits. This method perform mathematical operation. An alternative method called the Karnaugh map can be used for the simplification of Boolean equations with up to four input variables.

Basic Laws of Boolean Algebra

  • Boolean Addition (OR Operation)
Boolean method involves variables having values of either a binary  1 or 0. The basic rules of Boolean addition are given below:

0+0 = 0
0+1= 1
1+0= 1
1+1= 1
  • Boolean Multiplication (AND Operation)
The basic rules of the Boolean multiplication method are as follows:
0.0 = 0
0.1= 0
1.0= 0
1.1= 1

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